Must Have on Message Payload
Aug 6, 2023
Having some strict rules on the must, must not, should and should not will allow each domain to define messages that are consistent in metadata and structure and guarantees that the same metadata is present on each message that’s published inside that domain.
In the context of this article, we will define and use:
- Publisher - the service, application, software component that’s publishing a message.
- Consumer - a service, application, software component that’s consuming a message.
- Message - a letter being sent via a messaging mechanism from a publisher to at least one consumer. We will not distinguish between notification, command and message as both notification and command are considered to be a message in this context.
Must Have
Message version should be defined using semantic versioning. Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner
- PATCH version when you make backward compatible bug fixes
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
Eg. 1.0.0
Location where to find the schema used to define and validate each message from our domain. Location must point to the repository where we keep all our schemas for all messages in our domain. Location should be an absolute path. File names with extension are also acceptable.
This field is the “bag” holding business data that’s shared by this message and that’s of interest for consumers of this message. A message must not be sent if this field is empty or null.
A unique identifier for each message that’s published. It must be a random generated UUID v.4.
Correlation Id
A unique identifier that allows messages bellonging to the same business process to be grouped together. Eg. order-placed
The publisher of this message. It must be the service, application or what other publisher this message might have. Eg. order-confirmation-service
The message type identified by namespace. It must be a full namespace. Eg. com.georgeracu.messages.order.confirmation.OrderPlaced
Created At
The Date Time when this message was created. It must be in UTC, with nanosecond precision. It must be populated when the message is initially created. If immutability is used, the initial value should be carried accross all copies of the initial object.
Published At
The Date Time when this message was published. It must be in UTC, with nanosecond precision. It must be populated before the message is published by the publisher.
Example Schema
Example Payload
"id": "5856bc07-735b-410a-baa4-b96d70745fd9",
"version": "1.1.0",
"schema": "",
"correlationId": "order-placed",
"source": "order-confirmation-service",
"type": "com.georgeracu.messages.order.confirmation.OrderPlaced",
"createdAt": "",
"publishedAt": "",
"data": {
"customerId": "5856bc07-735b-410a-baa4-b96d70745fd9",
"orderId": "5856bc07-735b-410a-baa4-b96d70745fd9"
Tags: programming , message , asyncapi